Case Study

Dallas Love Field Airport

Transforming and expanding the airport environment


In anticipation of the 2014 expiration of the Wright Amendment, allowing unrestricted flights, the City of Dallas and Southwest Airlines pioneered the Love Field Modernization Program to expand and transform the airport. Dallas Love Field partnered with Daifuku Airport Technologies in 2011 to develop a new baggage handling system and later a checked baggage reconciliation area (CBRA) system.


US dollar investment


passengers annually

2018 Award Winner

Airport Service Quality Award


Equipment provided

  • 500+ conveyors
  • 7,000+ feet of conveyor
  • 4 L3 660-ES Machines
  • 44 Mobile Inspection Tables (MIT)
  • 4 Automatic Tag Readers
  • 5 Vertical Sortation Units
  • WebbView include SCADA integration

Mobile Inspection Table (MIT)

MIT are mobile robots which deliver bags directly to TSA agents, eliminating the lifting, twisting or turning of operators. Bags are searched directly while on the MIT’s stainless-steel surface and routed automatically back to the appropriate conveyor after inspection.

“Working closely with contracting and design partners is key to any project, but collaboration was especially important for the CBRA project. Using MITs was a solution brought to us by our partners. You have to keep an open mind and challenge everyone you’re working with to seek new solutions.”

Mark Duebner — Aviation Director, Dallas Love Field International Airport


Unique approach to CBRA

Daifuku ATec’s baggage handling and inspection systems now accommodate Dallas Love Field’s 8 million passengers annually, which was double of that when the project began in 2011.  This 19-million-dollar investment has set the airport apart.  In 2018, DAL received the Airport Service Quality Award for North America.


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